ان ودائع المصرف خاضعة للتأمين من قبل شركة ضمان الوادائع


The Bank shall issue magnetic instruments, instruments of technical specifications and standards...

1- Small and craft projects loans
The loan is granted to the...

Table on ministerial division of marriage advances


A special table of the names of the ministries that Al - Rasheed Bank grants the advances of marriage and based on the division between the bank of good and Rafidain.
Ministry of Industry and Minerals, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of State for National Security Affairs, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of State for Women's Affairs, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, Ministry of Displacement and Migration, Ministry of Electricity)
Note: - His ministry did not mention in the division between the two banks will be a return to the bank Rashid




مصرف الرشيد / الادارة العامة / حي الرشيد , محلة 110 , شارع 25
ص.ب. 53926 بريد باب المعظم - بغداد - العراق




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